Grafikfunktionen 07-20-95 &$VER: Grafikfunktionen 1.00 (07-20-95) New... Open... Make Copy... Streamline... Print... Report... Preferences... Workbench Help... About... Quit... Paste Clear Select All Select Layer Cut Page Copy Page Colors Load... Save... Restore Colors Default Colors Brush Colors Image Colors Last Color Font Cycle Grid... Stop Sound Show All Unlock All Edit Form Share Next Page Previous Page First Page Last Page Backward Forward Last Book Browse... Autobrowse... Bookshelf New Page Delete Page New Form Load Form... Save Form... Image Load... Save... Capture... Clipboard Paste Spare Swap Frames Copy to Spare Merge in Front Merge in Back Delete Spare Frame Previous Delete Copy to All Color Remap Transparency Paper <-> Pen Paper -> Pen Count Vertical Horizontal Info... Brush Load... Save... Restore Clipboard Paste Color Remap Transparency Paper <-> Pen Paper -> Pen Center Corner Any Point Any Size Halve Double Halve Width Halve Height Double Width Double Height To PAL To NTSC Vertical Horizontal Shear Vertical Horizontal Rotate Any Angle Paint Matte Color Replace Smear Dissolve Spare Cycle Cycle 2 Gradient Gradient 2 Smudge Chaos Count Custom Dither Edges Object Load... Save... Bring to Front Send to Back Bring Closer Send Farther Group Ungroup Duplicate... Align... Info... Actions... Script... Load... Save... Plain Underline Italic Shadow Font... Spacing... Hypertext Actions... Script... Tools Coordinates Title Bar Palette Colors Patterns Paint Tools Paint Types Histogram Magnifier Messages Draw Tools Layers Pages Author Book... Form... Page... Display... Menus... Narrator... Hypertext... Resources... Effect... Effect Area @fwww topaz.fontGLOB fonts:Book23 "XAnwendungen:Helm/Grafikfunktionen bilder:BarTender.IFF work:helm/Bookshelf Hintergrund c e g c1 ILBMBMHD 0FORM ILBMBMHD )CAMG Hintergrund c e g c1 0FORM ILBMBMHD )CAMG ILBMBMHD Hintergrund c e g c1 0FORM ILBMBMHD )CAMG ILBMBMHD hFORM TILBMBMHD Hintergrund Malfl Grafikfeld als Gadget @;|{|r@r@r@{x;| \{|{x hFORM TILBMBMHD ILBMBMHD 1CAMG |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| PAGE Hintergrund Malfl Grafikfeld als Gadget @;|{|r@r@r@{x;| \{|{x hFORM TILBMBMHD ILBMBMHD 1CAMG |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` @r@r@r@r@r@r@` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| |{|{|{|{|{|{|` x{x{x{x{x{x{x` |;|;|;|;|;|;| Hintergrund Malfl Grafikfeld als Gadget c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 @;|{|r@r@r@{x;| \{|{x Hintergrund Malfl Grafikfeld als Gadget c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 @;|{|r@r@r@{x;| \{|{x c e g c fonts:Book23 "XAnwendungen:Helm/Grafikfunktionen bilder:BarTender.IFF helm:Grafikfunktionen